UP International Service

Service, bi-annual checks and more

In Germany any air sport equipment must be subjected to bi-annual checks in order to be legal to fly. The rule makes sense regardless of where you fly!

Service, bi-annual checks and more


As the manufacturer of your paragliding equipment we're ideally positioned to offer the highest-quality service for your needs. Any maintenance- and repairworks are undertaken in our own in-house workshop or by UP-authorised checking and maintenance service centres. We offer the following services for UP paragliders, harnesses and any reserve parachutes used with UP equipment:

  • Bi-annual checks
  • Performance checks
  • Repacks and checks of reserve parachutes
  • Replacement lines
  • Canopy repairs
  • Other repairs

If you're sending your paragliding equipment to us, please take a moment to download this form and fill it with all the relevant details, then print and enclose it with your shipment. Please send the goods to:

UP International GmbH
Kreuzeckbahnstr. 7
82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen


Bi-annual checks

Paragliders should be subjected to thorough checks no less than once/2 years, more often if the glider is flown commercially. Please refer to the Owners Manual for details about your own glider model.

A standard bi-annual check at UP comprises the following services:

  • Porosity check of the canopy
  • Visual check of the top- and bottom sail surfaces, as well as all seams and cell walls
  • Visual check of the risers, maillons and lines
  • Breaking-load tests for individual lines as stipulated in the service manual,
  • Trim check of all lines, and a trimming to return the glider to optimal trim through the use of UP's own trimtuning software in combination with laser linelength measuring equipment,
  • Stamping of the service booklet and return of the wing to the owner with a check report inserted into the package.


All this for just 209EUR for solo gliders (229€ for tandem gliders) plus shipping, and plus any additional repairs or materials needed. The lines which are destroyed during the breaking-load tests are included in the quoted price.

Normally we return your wing within 2 weeks from receiving it, but this may not always be possible during peak season (in this case, early European spring is often "peak season")

We offer a 3 days express check for a surecharge of 35€ (The express check must be booked before you send us the glider - please call us to check if express check is avaliable) 

The advantages of letting us do the bi-annual check are:

  • Performance check (see below) is already included in the price,
  • The resale value of your glider is higher when the service booklet is up-to-date,
  • Extension of the warranty period with 12 months, if you let us do the first bi-annual,

But aside from these reservations, any authorised UP check centre can do the bi-annuals.

Performance check

UP gliders all employ an optimised mix of lines from Edelrid, Cousin and Liros. In order to attain the performance goals alongside the longevity ones, a mix of Aramide and Dyneema lines in different diameters is used at the different levels. Due to stretching or shrinking, which is inevitable during the lifetime of a glider, the overall trim of the wing may change over time. This will adversely affect both performance and safety. For this reason we recommend having your glider checked and trim tuned at regular intervals – the checks and the trim tuning may be carried out at UP proper, or by authorised service centres. When trim-tuning, we employ our own in-house development called the UP-MTS, a hard- and software implement that allows us to return your wing to its optimal line configuration with a few easy steps.

What you get back is a glider that flies just as it was intended to, with:

  • Improved handling
  • Optimal performance
  • Improved safety

The trim tuning costs 109€ plus shipping.

We normally return your wing within 2 weeks after receiving it, but may find ourselves getting slightly delayed during peak season.

We offer a 3 days express check for a surecharge of 35€. (The express check must be booked before you send us the glider - please call us to check if express check is avaliable)

Packing and inspecting of reserve parachutes

Only when your reserve is recently repacked and inspected can be guaranteed its optimal functionality. As a rule we recommend repacking at intervals of 6 months or less – this will greatly improve your reserve's opening time.


  • 49€ plus shipping for round canopies
  • 66€ plus shipping for unusual shapes (square, cross-shaped etc.)
  • 25€ express check surcharge for check within 3 working days*
  • 35€ Installation rescue in harness (incl. compability check)

*The express check must be booked before you send us the reserve - please call us to check if express check is avaliable.

Reserves are normally returned within 2 weeks after receiving them, but we may find ourselves delayed slightly during peak season (in this case, “peak season” tends to be early European spring).

Ordering single replacement lines

Single lines may be ordered directly from up using the address service@up-paragliders.com

We need the following information in order to ensure the correct handling of your order:

  • Glider model,
  • Glider size,
  • Line name as given on the line map (to be found in the Owners Manual).
  • Name and address of the customer.

You may find line plans for almost all UP wings on our website, and for your specific model near the back of your Owners Manual.

We recommend letting authorised check centres or UP do the actual exchange of the damaged line with the new one.


Keeping the wing in good shape is great – but sometimes things happen which require more than just a replacement line to fix. We undertake all sorts of repair jobs on UP wings, from fixing a small tear to replacing panels and putting torn gliders back together. If you're in need of a major repair, please download the service form, fill it out and include it with the glider when you ship it to us. For larger jobs, getting in touch before shipping the wing may be the most sensible – perhaps the cost of repairing will be too high to justify it, and in such cases you might as well save the shipping cost.

Warranty- or other claims

In case of warranty or other claims, please always make sure you contact your dealer first. They will get in touch with us, and together we'll try to solve things to everyone's satisfaction.

Ultralite Products – UP International GmbH
Kreuzeckbahnstrasse 7, D-82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Tel. +49 8821 730990



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