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Boxi talks about his Kyrgystan adventure in Munich

Dienstag, 11 März 2014
Followers of the UP News here will have noticed that our friend and colleague Stefan "Boxi" Bocks was in Central Asia last summer, on a quest to become the first person to travel from Dushanbe in Tajikistan to Issyk Kyl in Kirgistan by foot and paraglider.

Since then Boxi has written articles about his succesful completion of the route, and now he's also holding talks and photo-showings.

On March 25th you can experience the remoteness of the Pamir highlands in Munich through the words and images of Boxi - find the venue here: https://eventportal.extendad.de/event/eine-abenteuerreise-mit-dem-gleitschirm



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