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Friday, 22 November 2013
Pilots sending in their wings for 2-years checks, to arrive at UP between November 1st and January 31st, will get a 10% discount on the normal check price.

Included in the check is the UP-MTS trim tuning, where our trained checker compares the length of the lines and trims them back to spec if needed - modern wings use rather thin lines to obtain the performance the pilots crave these days, so they do tend to go out of trim over time. With this trim tuning it'll be like flying a new wing again! The UP-MTS is a software that that UP developed to calculate the best trim for the gliders. Lines are laser-measured directly into the software which then produces a step-by-step instruction for the optimal adjustments to be carried out on each line.

- 2-Years Check (including UP-MTS trim tuning): € 152,10 (instead of € 169)

- Performance check (UP-MTS trim tuning): € 76,50 (instead of € 85)

- Rescue re-packing: € 35,10 (instead of € 39)

Sending The UP Glider And Other UP Products

The best way to send your paraglider, rescue parachute, harness etc. to our service team is in a box via post or UPS. Enclose a note of what requires doing (2 Year Check, repair, repack etc.) and also your daytime contact details. We will return your equipment either by post or UPS.

Send it to:

Ultralite Products – UP International GmbH
Attn: Andre
Kreuzeckbahnstrasse 7
D-82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen

If you have any questions contact Andre at our Workshop at Tel +49 8821-73099-0, or email:



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