Red Bull X-Alps 2017

Thursday, 29 June 2017

The countdown is running: only 3 days left to the Red Bull X-Alps 2017 - the world's toughest adventure race!

Red Bull X-Alps 2017

Our Team pilot Mitch Riley is reporting from the X-Alps camp in Fuschl:

"I'm here in Fuschl, a beautiful little lake town in Austria, in the final days before the X-Alps 2017. It seems surreal to be here and listening to advise from pilots who have been my heroes for so long. Tom de Dorlodot told me that the classic rookie mistake is to go too hard for the first few days, only to burn out a week in. He emphasized that position does not matter in the first few days of the race, what matters is pacing, and making sure you can stay in it for the long haul. Ferdy van Schelven told me that I should not get emotional about the conditions. If its raining and walking is mandatory attaching any negative emotion to having to walk does not help. Manuel Nuble promised that after a couple days of walking I'll wish to be flying, and then after a couple days of flying in harsh conditions I may wish for a simple day of walking. In general the feeling Ive gotten from the other athletes is that the best plan is to enjoy the experience, move along the course however I can, and pace myself appropriately. I have made many friends in the training, and in the pre-race week, sharing ideas, laughs and meals. We have been giving each other tips on technology, equipment, navigation and line choice. Although this is a competition at the highest level, Its obvious that comradery in achieving Monaco is strong.

I have been sleeping well, and feeling very little stress about the upcoming race. I know that I am well prepared, have a great team, and posses the necessary mental fortitude to persevere. Friends all around the world have asked if I'm scared, or nervous. The simple answer is no, I feel like I belong here, that my skills, equipment, team and preparation are up to the task, and that Im going to enjoy the adventure.

Right now the weather forecast is looking very walkable, and not very flyable for the first couple of days. This may be a positive for me. If I pace myself well I can cover a lot of ground, let others push too hard, and be in a good place for the flying to come. Bring on the start!"

Follow Mitch here and stay tuned!



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