Guru going far!

Monday, 29 April 2019

Europe is awaking from hibernation and pilots are flying far all over the continent.

Guru going far!

Our new ccc glider - the UP Guru - keeps its promise and takes our pilots far. The high performance machine has been proven in strong and challenging spring conditions all over the European continent. Here the links to some breathtaking flights:

- Robertas Pesliakas flew 270km crossing Lithuania from South to North.

- Elisabeth Egger flew a 208km FAI triangle from Stoderzinken (A).

- Johannes Oberwalder flew an almost 240km FAI trianlge from Adler Lounge (A).

- Adrian Seitz flew 250km from Momera (CH) along the Southern Alps towards the Mediterranean Sea.

- Primoz Susa flew a 200km FAI triangle along the most famous flying sites of Slovenia (see pictures above).


Congratulations to all pilots! We wish you a fantastic season with always safe landings :)



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