UP International Produkte

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Trango X-Light²

Top performance made light

Top performance made light

setting new standards in the lightweight class

The Trango X-Light2 was purpose-built for the UP athletes in the 2013 Red Bull X-Alps. As from this season even X-Alps wings need to be certified, and while that may not be the best of news for manufacturers or X-Alps pilots it is GREAT news for someone looking for a certified lightweight performance paraglider, since it means that the specialist wings are now available for all to buy.
While working on the new wing it dawned on us that this was a good opportunity to address a shortcoming of the EN C certified Trango XC2, namely its top speed, which had to be limited a little for the wing to be certified in the C class. So although the X-Light 2 is in many ways simply a lighter version of that wing, we decided that we'd increase the top speed of the new design by some 5-7km/h, simply by increasing the accelerator travel quite substantially.
  • Based on the UP 2011 X-Alps wing flown by Toma Coconea and Ferdy van Schelven - top performance, but EASY to fly
  • High-performance 3-liner design with intelligent use of canopy-internal stiffening to maintain perfect airfoil shape at all speeds
  • Ball handles on the C risers for efficient pitch control during accelerated flight
  • UP-typical swept-back wingtips for good handling, easy stall characteristics and less induced drag. Improves handling too!
  • Low-drag BB pulleys on speed system to keep required effort down - good for long transitions at full bore
  • Extra long Airfoil Stabilizing System together with Mylar for perfect leading edge and canopy definition. Extra C-shaped Nylon rods over the C lines for improved load distribution. Basically the best of the 2-liner world without the drawbacks
  • No long rods in the wingtips, to reduce the risk of cravattes. In fact the wingtips may appear "flappy" at first - an important safety feature! If you haven't flown a 2-liner we promise that the solidity of the canopy in turbulence (aside from the wingtips) will be nothing short of a revelation...
  • Brake tensioning system (BTS) and Mini Ribs for crisper handling and optimum tension on the trailing edge at all angles of attack
  • UP low-drag line attachment points on the canopy
  • Unsheathed lines everywhere




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