UP International Produkte

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Ascent 3

Ready to go into the 3rd dimension?

Ready to go into the 3rd dimension?

for students and beginners - total ease of mind

The new UP Ascent 3 is the perfect companion for newer pilots, be they under tuition or recently out of school. It follows in the footsteps of the EN B Makalu 3, a wing tested by the DHV (German Free Flight Federation) to be even friendlier to fly than many EN A wings - imagine what the same design team can do with an EN A wing then! The Ascent 3 is as safe as it gets if the going gets rough, but it is still a fun and inspiring wing to fly! Learning should be FUN - the Ascent 3 makes sure it is.

  • Logical, systematic line layout with very few lines - no line tangles!
  • Very wide weight range in all sizes - perfect for schools!
  • Perfect launching characteristics even with sup-optimal launching skills - less stress, more FUN
  • 3D panel shaping: less wrinkles in the canopy - better performance and higher collapse resistance
  • Line layout with minimum drag - better performance to take you higher, sooner
  • Swept-back wingtips - improved handling, better climbing
  • Brake Tensioning System: Trailing edge tension is good for handling and safety, but influences performance negatively. With BTS the tension is only there when you need it
  • Exchangeable Front Section Support system (FSS) Nylon battens in the leading edge - a lifetime of perfect leading edge shape


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